Moving Care Agency

Our Services

Overview of our services

At Moving Care Agency LTD, we take pride in doing things differently and better. Our mission is to make a positive impact on the lives of everyone who enters our service. We offer 24/7 support and accommodation to our clients, empowering them to lead fulfilling lives within the community.

We have several specialized provisions tailored to different client groups, allowing some clients to transition from our adolescent services to adult ones when needed. Additionally, we collaborate with the private housing sector to help clients who have responded well to our support secure their own tenancies, further promoting independence and self-reliance.


About Moving Care Agency

Our Services

At Moving Care Agency LTD, we take pride in doing things differently and better. Our mission is to make a positive impact on the lives of everyone who enters our service. We offer 24/7 support and accommodation to our clients, empowering them to lead fulfilling lives within the community.

Service Overview

Service Overview-moving-care-agenccy

Domiciliary Care


Nursing Care

Personal Care

Personal Care

Service Overview

Service Overview-moving-care-agenccy

Supported Living for Adult


16 + Supported Living

16+ Supported Living Moving Care Agency

Domiciliary Care


Why Choose Us

Why choose Moving Care Agency LTD for your care and support needs?

Exceptional Service

Moving Care Agency offers bespoke, excellent-quality care and support for client/ service users.

specialist care

We provide specialist care and support for young people and adults with complex needs.

Excellent Support

We offer person-centered and flexible support and care to meet individual needs and manage crises, which helps transition clients to full integration.

wide range of support

Our services are designed to help people with a wide range of support needs retain their independence by being supported in their own homes. We support councils in delivering on their social value missions.